This week’s show was full of what we love the best, and that is our listeners calling in with questions about the industry. What I have found is that the lack of real information about the industry is why we have such an over saturation of people just spinning their wheels trying all types of different things to accomplish having careers in the modeling industry.
Usually, people ask question hoping to get the answer that will allow them to pursue this career. Unfortunately, I sometimes have to give answers that they may not want to hear. Sometimes, I have to give the answer that will let them know that this may not be the career path for them.
Such was the case for a young gentleman that called in from Alabama. Standing 5’7” tall he wanted to know how to pursue the modeling career with his height.
Answer: Male models need to be tall, generally at least six feet. There are exceptions to the rule, but the rule is between six feet to 6’2. Basically they need to be able to fit into a size 40- regular to a 42-long jacket.
Male models walk the runway in the major menswear fashion shows. They also do a lot of catalog work. There are catalogs that will allow male models to be as short as 5’10, anything below that is usually unheard of.
Karen Michelle called in again today! Karen owns a PR Fashion Company that helps up and coming designers connect their designs with celebrities. Karen has an upcoming show that you don't want to miss.” Celebrity Fashion Experience” Thursday, December 30th for information on the event and to purchase tickets go to Karen’s web site.
One of the questions concerning female models came from Dallas, Texas Donice wanted to know if she should consider pursuing a career in modeling in her forties or was it too late. – women’s age

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