Thursday July 21, 2011
Fort Worth native Misha Sturns is referred to as “Dallas Socialite Misha Sturns”, quite often. She’s an honors program graduate of Clark Atlanta University and very involved in both civic and social networking circles. Misha has an extensive and diverse background in sales, public relations, event planning and fashion modeling.
Her modeling career began shortly after being discovered in a local fashion show by the late Samuel Bowie. She was Antthony Mark Hankins first catalog model when he launched his fashion line in the late 1990’s then she quickly obtained representation with the top agencies in Dallas- first the Campbell Agency, next Page Parkes then Kim Dawson, where she has remained since 2000.
She had the unique opportunity which afforded her access to the world’s most elite clientele after going to the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta. Misha networked her way to become the right hand woman to Olympic Gold Medal Winner- Michael Johnson. During that stint, she coordinated the Michael Johnson/Ray Crockett Celebrity Weekend which boasts superstar caliber attendees such as Muhammad Ali, Terrell Owens, Michael Irvin, Emmitt Smith and more.
For years she has hosted parties, coordinated events and promoted businesses throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Last year Misha allowed her educational talents and local celebrity flourish to the max. Shortly after being named one of Dallas 10 Best Dressed, she launched reRock It Events, Image Consulting and Public Relations.
During Super Bowl XLV, Misha pulled off a world class event featuring President Obama’s favorite singer, Grammy Nominated recording artist, Anthony David at the exquisite Fedora Restaurant in One Arts Plaza. The reviews from this event allowed more visibility and exposure for reRock It. Her company emphasizes re-creating all aspects of your life to enhance your overall image… reRock your look, reRock your life, reRock your world!

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